Natya Dharmosetio's profile

Non-Denominational Chapel & Meditative Space

Project 2| UC Berkeley | Fall 2017 | Prof. Jean-Paul Bourdier

Non-Denominational Chapel
Location: Highest peak at Mountain View Cemetery - Oakland, CA
This project is inspired by the clash between the continuity of the sky and the geometric rigidity of the urban landscape. It represents the notion that despite the rigidity of modern life, we are still only one of nature’s animals. The convergence of these ideas is expressed through an undulating roof structure that blankets two rigid volumes underneath. As a chapel and meditative space, it becomes a symbol of uniting the spiritual realm and the urban and ephemeral world that we live in today, as it sits at the highest elevation in the area, while it overlooks the cityscape and bay.
This project was nominated for and won Berkeley Circus 2018 (UC Berkeley's College of Environmental Design's biggest annual showcase and award system of selected studio projects).
Non-Denominational Chapel & Meditative Space

Non-Denominational Chapel & Meditative Space

UC Berkeley | Architecture 100C | Fall 2017 | Jean-Paul Bourdier
