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LACMA Exhibit Promotional Campaign

Exhibit Booklet
LACMA has an exhibit called "A Lifetime of Design," showcasing design in all forms from the early 20th century to the present. This booklet contains information about the exhibition and what's in it, that gives people a teaser of what to expect.
Inside Spreads
I chose a clean, modern design with diagonal lines, sans serif typefaces, and a strong bar symbolizing industrialization and progression. I chose red as a main color to support the branding of LACMA.
Poster Ad
Posters will be placed around Los Angeles in areas of high foot traffic to promote the exhibit. The poster has information about the exhibit at the bottom of the poster.
Mobile Ad
Mobile ads will be ran targeted to people around Los Angeles to promote the exhibit. The ad has a call to action to purchase tickets for the exhibit.
People impacted by the exhibit are able to purchase t-shirts to remember their experience, and promote the exhibit.
Coffee Cups
The cafes at LACMA will be serving coffee in branded cups, which encourages customers to post photos of their cups or their friends with the cups to their Instagram.
LACMA Exhibit Promotional Campaign

LACMA Exhibit Promotional Campaign

LACMA has an exhibit called "A Lifetime of Design," showcasing design in all forms from the early 20th century to the present. I did the layout d Read More
