Fayetteville Wheelmen

Based in Northwest Arkansas, The Fayetteville Wheelmen Cycling Club was formed in the mid-90s as a small 7-person racing team. Since then, the organization has grown to over 140 members strong, comprising a diverse team of both competitive and recreational cyclists.

In affiliation with a new partnership with the Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commission, the Wheelmen team approached the Sells Agency to design a new, modern cycling kit appealing to both men and women. Using the A&P’s new logo and brand identity, with the addition of a bright turquoise for contrast, I created a variety of kits designed to complement a wide range of body shapes and sizes. Ultimately, of the kits I submitted, this design was not the final selection, but was my personal favorite.

Apparel design


Project undertaken while at Sells Agency in Little Rock, AR

Fayetteville Wheelmen

Fayetteville Wheelmen

Cycling kit designs for the Fayetteville Wheelmen Cycling Club
