Till Hohmann's profile

bigFM brand collection

Some CGI magic with speakers forming objects in synch with the original soundtrack.
A big thanks to the guys at AixSponza Postproduction in Munich. Awards? Yes.
Dull briefing: a tablemat calendar. We turned it into a monitoring desk - with all the little knobs indicating the days. And of course every little detail got some nice copy.
This integrated case created a lot of attention and used the web extensively. The video runs three minutes.
The case won multiple awards in direct and digital.
In case you skipped the video: this is the board for the 360 case of this promotional campaign.
Another board for the same case. Focus on the website. We designed and programmed it inhouse. The highlight, apart from being able to beat up Big Buck Bill, was a text-to-speech editor that was used to create interactive online rap-battles between users.
bigFM brand collection

bigFM brand collection

A selection of experimental projects we made for and with bigFM. A lot of digital work. I was ECD on this client.
