Till Hohmann's profile

BMW brand collection

When you see the ad it feels like the most obvious idea to have. Believe me: it was not. After two years unsuccessful development by many different teams I got handed the project. Together with ECD Bernhard Lukas I wrote this ad. And to our surprise there were no discussions. We went on to produce it with the amazing Paul Arden. Many stories could be told at this point. In the end the ad ran all over Europe and won that Gold Lion.
These are two consecutive single page newspaper ads. They ran in all major German newspapers on the very same day: the opening of the Frankfurt Automotive Fair. In 2000 - the year of the Dotcoms. Every car brand was racing for in car web services. And BWM made the punch with their Connected Drive system. As you can imagine, a rather political C-level project that demanded lot’s of care and created lot’s of attention. And awards...
In 2000 I was also the CD for the BMW Austria business. This mountain-market was in dire need for an all-wheel drive. So when BMW finally launched the X-Drive system we were the first to make a dedicated campaign for it.
It created a lot of discussions: no car, that "x4" was not CI, the copy was cheeky. I still like this simple concept and the beauty of these images.
BMW brand collection

BMW brand collection

A selection of BMW projects I was responsible for as CD Copy with Jung von Matt.
