Laura Huaranga's profile

House Housing Traveling Exhibition

House Housing: An Untimely History of Architecture and Real Estate in Nineteen Episodes 
was the first exhibition of a multi-year research project by the Temple Hoyne Buell Center
at Columbia University. Seeking to contextualize architecture in relation to U.S. housing and real
estate laws, this installation provided contrast to the 2014 Venice Biennale and Rem Koolhaas’s
prompt for a focus on ‘fundamentals.’

House Housing posited nineteen episodes from across the last hundred years through an
amalgam of media—phonograph to television, answering machine to iPad—converting Casa
Muraro into a whispering, humming history machine. My role was as exhibition designer 
through concept phase, exhibition identity, and publication designer.

Since then, the exhibition has traveled to the Chicago Biennial, The MAK Center in CA,
Berlin, and New York City.
Exhibition credits
Reinhold Martin, Director
Jacob Moore, Curator
Susanne Schindler, Curator

Design Team
MTWTF: Boyeon Choi, Virginia Chow, Glen Cummings, Aliza Dzik,
Dylan Fracareta, Pedro Gonçalves, Ravena Hengst, Laura Huaranga,
Jess Ngan, Jeroen Sikma
Web Design, Pedro Gonçalves
House Housing Traveling Exhibition

House Housing Traveling Exhibition

Exhibition for Venice Biennale 2014 with Columbia University
