Nomad was developed as a group project, with three to a team. The collaborative effort provided valuable insight into the industry standard of working within a team. 

Responsible for branding,  I took the concept of a traveling restaurant developed as a group and applied an appropriate visual language.
Nomad Design Strategy:

Nomad is a fresh and fast, vegetarian eatery that will travel around the country by bus providing rural communities with healthy and convenient food. 

Nomad is focused on creating a fun, unique and above all a memorable experience for its customers. The arrival of the Nomad restaurant into these rural towns should be seen as an event to anticipate and create a buzz amongst locals. 

The mobile nature of Nomad should work as an incentive to attract large numbers as the restaurant will only be present for a short time before moving.

Designed to make a big impact in a short space of time, to keep up with the fresh and fast pace set by Nomad. Easily readable from a distance and on the move thanks to the striking red and block​​​​​​​ san serif typeface, with a slim inline to prevent the type from appearing too heavy. The curved lines that are interwoven into the type gives the logotype a playful element and emphasise the journey of the brand, that is always onto the next big thing.
Nomad Branding

Nomad Branding


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