Connor Johnson's profile

Christ Church Preschool

What it is: Christ Church Preschool is a private, non-profit Christian preschool in Otsego, Minnesota and is part of the ministries of Christ Church Otsego. 
My Contributions: I developed this modification to the logo to separate the branding identity of the preschool (which is often treated as a separate entity) from the church, but keep it structurally consistent. The handprints on Christ Church's (then-current) cross logo were inspired by Matthew 19:14, where Jesus says "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Imagine the preschool kids getting Jesus all messy with fingerpaints!
I also updated the social media page and facilitated Facebook Ads for a short period of time in December 2016.
What happened: Enrollment increased by a little bit as a result of advertising and continued efforts at local preschool fairs, and this logo was liked by the administrative team, electing to keep it until the April 2017 rebrand took over.
Christ Church Preschool

Christ Church Preschool

Adding some fingerpaints to a preschool's identity
