Yuan Zhong's profile

Wuhan my home city (not Barcelona)

Wuhan, China-------not Barcelona
Let us guess where it is? Sorry guys, it is not any city in Europe. It is my home city, Wuhan. Why a Chinese city have western building? These buildings not built by Chinese, but built by Britain. There are historical remnants. I haven't been my home city 4 or 5 years. I miss them. 

Wuhan (city), Hubei (province), China. Wuhan is 8494.41 square kilometers, Hubei is 185,900 square kilometers. Hubei is almost as big as British (242,495 square kilometers). I know most of people know China from news medias. However, most of news medias prefer to tell people how terrible China is. How about let a Chinese to show you What my home city looks like.
Last time I go back China, I notice that most people pay their bills by QR code. These QR code linked Chinese bank cards. So, people can scan QR code to pay food, clothes, tickets. There are not lot of pollutions in China, not a lot of bikes in China, can't see homeless in city. If you see 'homeless' people begging for money. Please believe me, most of them much more rich than you and me or they have iphone 6 plus. 
All of them are my home city's breakfast. I miss them too much. Basically, you spend around £2.27 can have all of these. My personally prefer this breakfast. Wuhan's breakfast quite well-know in China, because they looks diversity than any other cities.
Wuhan my home city (not Barcelona)

Wuhan my home city (not Barcelona)


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