Brandy Reppy's profile

Global Form Settings

Global Page Settings
Allowing administrators to set global defaults, even when the system handles these each differently.
In this project, I was tasked with creating a place where global settings could be set one time by an organization, and then would serve as the default values every time an administrator created a new form. This also needed to be something administrators could update regularly, but most likely would only be accessed once. 

The second component was that administrators wanted to control the text on terms of service pop-ups and privacy policy pop-ups. I wanted to create a way for administrators to first choose whether they wanted to include these components. 

Lastly, we wanted administrators to be able to update the text on their 404 page easily, without having to worry too much about HTML and CSS, but to be able to add some simple HTML components like links. 
There are some fields in the form creation process that are almost always going to be the same for most organizations. We wanted to incorporate a way to allow administrators to set these up once, and not have to edit these fields every time they want to change a form. 
I understood from talking to clients that sometimes they would want to incorporate participation waivers, terms of service, or a privacy policy on all of their forms. So, to do this, we added basic HTML editing functionality in the edit widgets, and on and off toggles for each section. I also wanted to add some flexibility for the participation waiver, just in case other form types were being repurposed for something that might require a waiver. 
I wanted administrators to have control over updating the text on this page, but  also wanted to make sure that there was some default text. So, we included default text on this one. I also wanted to make sure that the 404 page would still look like rest of the site, so by default, this page picks up the custom design templates that have been applied to the organization without any intervention from the administrator.
Global Form Settings

Global Form Settings

This is a project regarding allowing administrators to customize information in a uniform way, even though the roles of these different pieces of Read More
