Fatima Babar's profile

Low income housing project

Settlement Design For Lower-middle Income Community

This project is a research in design to create a city within a city, a stand-alone community with green sensibility which also connect itself to the urban city. And also provides its residents with socially coherent and aesthetic outcomes giving each home a sense of uniquity.

1. Urban Housing: Understanding The Context
Revealing the site: Housing developments must respond to the context of their site and neighbourhood.
Going with the urban grain: Site planning and the arrangement of routes and spaces should make good connections with the site’s surroundings, creating a pattern of pedestrian routes that follow the grain and street typologies of the surroundings.
Close to nature: Cohabitation with the natural environment.
A sense of style: The ability to create a sense of place is greatly dependent upon the quality of its individual components, the buildings and the spaces between and around them.
A sense of place: Places designed, built and maintained on the principle that people come first. Character, identity and variety.

2. Urban Housing: Aspects Of Built Form
Hierarchy of space: Spatial hierarchies are about relationships and achieving a proper balance between the uses of space, pedestrian and vehicular routes and the points at which they meet.
Spaces for people: There is a need therefore to ensure that pedestrian access and egress are convenient and salubrious.
Diverse: Increase housing options & create opportunities.

3. Urban Housing:
Designing For PeopleBuilding a community: Encourage the development of mixed and balanced communities: secure a better social mix by avoiding the creation of large areas of housing of similar characteristics.
Management: Strong local management and support, plus good building maintenance can help to ensure that projects do not deteriorate and enter into a spiral of decline.

Architect’s Brief
The community is designed for 4000 people.
Three primary layers of urban fields to work with.
1. Urban massing:
Three types of dwelling:
Detached: Independent housing unit Semi detached: ClustersAttached: Condominiums and Stacked
2. Circulation pattern:Based on the orientation
3. Land use efficiency:Residential, facilities and utilities.
Green areas, communal spaces and management
Low income housing project

Low income housing project

The challenge of housing is a major component of world’s urban growth. It is vital to build efficiently for the low income settlement housing whi Read More


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