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The Lord's Comedians Poster - National Theatre Hungary

Official poster made for the Hungarian National Theater's latest play The Lord's Comedians, based on Michel de Ghelderode's drama, which follows the life of
St. Francis of Assis. The poster's concept was based on the play's scarecrows
during a winter scene and the most famous attribute of St. Francis, the bird.
Combining these two represents the play's grotesque atmosphere and the
flying up movement predicts Francis' road to become a saint.

The play opens on the 24th of February 2017.
early versions
public appearance
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The Lord's Comedians Poster - National Theatre Hungary


The Lord's Comedians Poster - National Theatre Hungary

Official poster made for the Hungarian National Theater's latest play The Lord's Comedians based on Michel de Ghelderode's drama, which follows t Read More
