calista morgado's profile

VOICES: My Creative Journey

VOICES: My Creative Journey

My primary focus for this project is to present a story visual story of my life and how I came to be on my current life path, I also wanted to share on how I become an art student and how and when my creativity stemmed. I wanted to share how art and my creativity has changed my life for the better, art was able to make me into the person I am today and it helped me choose what path I will be taken career wise, and where I see myself in the future. In order to make this project truly focus on the importance of creativity and how it has been my journey, a lot of time, dedication, and thinking was put into this project, after all of the thinking that was done I now know what I want to do in the future. The difficult part began once I started to draw the character(s), drawing on a tablet is not as easy as it may seem, using digital drawings is much different than real drawings I am not tech savvy I much rather hand draw, it did take me a little while to get everything the way I wanted it to be, I found the stylist isn't as smooth or as durable as a normal pencil, but I eventually got it. After learning how to use the shapes and stencils to my advantage the rest of the project fell to be pretty simple and consistent. I wanted to have my images as simple as possible without looking to dull or plane but just getting to the point.  

Hardware: iPad, MacPro
Software: Illustrator Draw, Illustrator CC, Photoshop, spark video, adobe draw, spark post
Platforms: Creative Cloud, Behance
Creative Process:
The audience that I intended to watch this video would be students of George Brown, and my professor. I also made this video for students who are trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives/ future. My purpose of this video is to help young students who are unclear of what career path they want to pursue, but are interested in  the art and design field. With the advice of what decisions I have made, I want to help students or soon to be students with the problems that I have faced. I want students to know the importances of picking the proper path in life, because picking a career is a big decision one that can change your life, it sets a different path. In ordered to pick the right path you have to put a lot of though and be fully aware of what you want to do with your life. 

My interest in art has always been important part of my life and my families life. I come from a family full of athletes, chefs, and, math stars, then theres me the odd one out, it can benefit in many ways but it also had its down falls, I wasn't really understood by my family when I was really pushing to get more involved in art. The benefit whenever I finished a new piece the reaction and support from my family is amazing, thats what motivates me to keep painting and  to keep doing art. Since I am the only artist in my family I have always been misunderstood as I said earlier. When I was younger I was always pushed really hard in school  to study, math or science and to go to university and get a job in business or become a doctor or anything that is high paying. My dad didn't think that I could get a good paying job in art, only when I got into George Brown and showed my dad what I can do in art, what I can become, thats when he started to change his mind. I showed him that I could support myself without having to do a million jobs at once.

My creative journey started as young as two years old. I have always been creative, wether it be from me making a picture out of cheerios, or a crayon I was always creating something. As I got older I started to focus more in art, I went to art classes and for a few weeks during a few summers I would go to an art camp. When I got into high school that is when I started really focusing and majoring in art, I took art class every year in high school, each year I became better than the previous year, I was learning more, growing more. I was even in three art shows and won two art awards and had my work featured and put on display for many weeks. One of my first big assignments in my senior year helped me discover what kind of artist I am today, it by far was my favourite assignment. I put more work and dedication into that assignment than any other assignment I have ever done, I had to decorate a chair which I chose, with a style of art, I choose surrealism. After two months  of working non stop day and night on my chair my results were amazing I was so proud of my work, I won an award for my work and when I brought in my chair I made my art teacher cry of joy. Thats when I knew surrealism was my style of art, that is when I became a surrealist. I love surrealism because it is able to give the viewers the ability to see one big beautiful detailed image, but as you look closer the image is made up of many other little detailed images. Surrealism is able to bring any normal image into a dream like state, surrealism is in all art, when in our everyday lives. Attending George Brown has really opened my eyes and mind to try new projects. My time here has made me explore and learn new abilities of art and design that I otherwise would have never done before. This program has also taught me so much about myself that I am extremely grateful for, it has taught me that I can really do anything that I want, all indeed are the right supplies and some good thumbnail sketches. I have also learned that without art we as humans would be lost, art is everywhere, whether you can see it or not, art shapes who we are, it shapes the world to a better place, art is a vacation to your eyes, but never leaves your heart.  

When I think about where I see myself in five years, I have a pretty clear thought. I would be graduated from college, and I will be working back in my home town in a dental office as an administrator, hopefully soon to be in management. I would still be trying to do art on the side, trying to save enough money to buy my first house. I would like to be working on posters for any size company and personal pieces for private clients. After this program I am going to be attending Dental Administration program at George Brown than following in that direction. I learned that life gives you many challenged, some that you think that you cant handle, but you can always work your way around them or you can complete them. Oh and always do your homework as soon as possible. My advice to who ever is considering doing G108, do it, its the biggest eye and mind opener, it really helped me decide on my future, you learn so much about yourself and what your capabilities are.    
Product Method and Workflow 
As I was begin my project I took the time to answer the questions that have been given to me, by doing that it helped me form my script. I tried to incorporate all of the questions in my script, but focusing more on my past, present and future. Which I share in my creative journey.
I started in adobe illustrator playing with shapes and forms 
Than I begin to draw out my images on adobe draw, then I imported them to photoshop and cropped them.
When I imported my personal photos, of my art work I opened photoshop to level out and equal out the images, there fore they look about the same size without over powering each other. 
1.)  Hey there, my name is Calista, Im 18 years old and I'm a first year at George Brown, but it took me a while to really know what I wanted to do.
2.) I have always been asked what do you want to do with your life, I honestly had no idea, I would just say say something random
3.) Towards the end of high school I was always contemplating what to do, should I travel? Work? or go to school, but what would I got to school for? I was lost 
4.) Art has always been a part of my life, ever since I was little, art has always been my passion, or my escape 
5.) Art made me the odd one out in my family, since I come from a family of athletes and chefs, it made me different which was awesome, but I also got misunderstood 
6.) I was always pushed really hard to do good in school, by my parents, more of my dad he wanted to me to become a doctor or something in the government,
7.) my mom has always supported me in art, she really motivated me to follow my passion and stay in art 
8.) This is when I started my best project in high school, I worked day and night non stop on it for 3 months, it was one of my best pieces  
9.)Here is a final picture of how my chair turned out, it is a surrealism chair, when my art teacher saw it she cried, as did my mom, thats when I knew I had to stay in art, and possible get a career in art
10.)Thats when I started looking up schools to go to, and thats when I found George Brown program G108, so i applied 
11.) I figured by going into the program, once i graduate it will help me narrow down what field I want to get into and help me really decide what to do with my life. 
12.)  With the love and support of my mom, I knew that I could do and learn so much
13.) I got accepted into the program and started in the fall, with excitement and ambition,  I was a bit nervous but it quickly faded
14.) I am almost done my first year, and I have learned so much, and I have really expanded my portfolio and have tried and completed projects that I never would of thought to do
15.) Half way threw the semester I released that i don't like doing digital work I rather do it by hand, and I know that most design work it done digitally, so I am no longer going to go into design.
16.) I still am going to graduate from this program, once I do I will work during the summer and go back to school in September. 
17.) In September I will be attending George Browns dental administration program, after I graduate that program I want to move back to my home town and get a job as a dental administer and in 5 years in dental management. Then you know buy a house etc.
18.) Thanks for watching! I hope my video helps you, with what ever decisions that you may need help making 
My Final Project:
This project has been a big learning experience, I have faced a lot of challenges and have over come them as well. I have learned how to digitally draw and edit images, I also learned how to make an animation movie using voices to really animate and create a story. Creating the images did take more time than I expected and did create some challenges. Over all I feel as if I for filled what this project has asked me to do, I feel that this project is descriptive yet simple, getting the point across. If I had to change something, I would try to expand my story more, adding more slides, more information. Over all I believe as though my project will help students figure out a sense of what they want to do with their futures, there for completing my objective. ​​​​​​​
VOICES: My Creative Journey

VOICES: My Creative Journey
