Madden NFL 12

Madden's user interface, up until this time was inconsistent and not feeling unique or ownable to the EA Sports brand. We strove to deliver something that felt visually unified from the commercials, to the physical packaging, and then seamlessly bring you into the game. 

Mood Boards

In order to build an ownable visual language, we needed to start with mood boards and eventually narrow down the elements that felt unique to an EA Sports football game. Below are examples of the fonts, colors and common components we used to express the brand within the user interface.

Introductory Video

One of the main areas to create excitement for the first time was with the introductory video. This video was the true visual and emotional bridge between the packaging and the game play.

Play Now

This visual transition is then handed off to the main menu. Below are a few of those main menu's screens.


We also needed to pair this new look with a TV-like broadcast graphics as well as key decision-making moments for our gamers.

Style Guide

Finally this style had to be carried out throughout the entire game and it's deep set of features, as well as the 32 teams we needed to represent. Every designer knew what the game needed to look like as well as the QA department checking it.
Role: Creative Direction, Art Direction, UX Design, and UI Design
Madden NFL 12


Madden NFL 12

The complete in-game UI and UX for Madden NFL 12 on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
