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Project 3: Rom Poster, Art Culture


For this project, the objective was to create a design that could be use as a poster for the ROM Museum. In my At Culture class, I had the opportunity to go with my classmates to visit the museum, we could explore and learn from diverse cultures. When we went there, we had the mission of choosing a country and a piece or art to base our poster on. At the beginning I was sure I wanted to do Egypt, however, as I start observing all the art around the different sections this decision started to be more difficult. There were so many things to get inspired with.. At the end I found this antique piece that just called me.. It end up being in the Greek section, from that moment I stopped looking and I decided to go with that. 
The materials used were:
- Pencil crayon
- Canson paper
- Eraser
- Sharpener 
- Pencil
- Adobe Illustrator 
Creative Process
The base I chose
The transcript from the base
At the first moment, I thought that the transcript was a piece itself, it was located at the top and it called me immediately, however, as I got close to it I realized it was an antique and beautiful base from the 600's B.C. I took those pictures from them and I start think about all the possible posters I could create. 
Step 1
For this project, I also had to present nine different versions of the piece, nine different possibilities for the poster, after that my teacher would pick one in this case was number two, just as a client that required a poster would do. For that specific version, I decided to enlarge one of the creatures and keep the decorations from the background. This was a opportunity to experience a real business as a designer in class. 
Step 2
Adobe Illustrator version
Before proceeding to the final, I had to create a digital version with Adobe Illustrator. This was not only to be able to see  a previous of the final work but also to place the grid that will guide me on the drawing, I could also place the museum information that was provided by the teacher. After that I just had to take my canso paper and achieve the final piece. 

Final Product 

This project gave me the opportunity of experiencing the work of a designer,  as if I had to represent the Greece section for the ROM museum, I learned how to create a grid to achieve a really accurate draw. Something that was challenging could be to came up with nine different ideas of the same piece, I would say that takes time. I believe this assignment helped me to grow as a designer and also it was a great training for the future.
Project 3: Rom Poster, Art Culture

Project 3: Rom Poster, Art Culture


Creative Fields