CUP logo has been created for the Karlstorp association. 
The "Crowdfunding Utan Pengar" (Crowdfunding without money) is a way to gather goods instead of money. It is based on the principle that anyone's scrap might be another one's treasure. If 1 household has a nail, 50 households have 50 nails. 

The initiative CUP bundles up assets of private households in the regions around Ringarum, Söderköping and Valdemarsvik and organizes a meaningful redistribution. The aim is to fulfill small and big needs of various people by collecting many small gifts of single households (crowdfunding). Gifts are the following types of non-financial donations:
1. material donations (materials, devices, furniture, tools, etc.),
 2. loans (devices, tools, vehicles, etc.),
3. knowledge and skills (transfer through courses and personal accompaniment), 
4. energy in the form of workforce: own workforce or transmitted workforce via portals like „helpX“ and „WorkAway“ (being host to volunteers and donating (part of) their workforce to CUP-projects).

 As money is always only a means to the fulfillment of needs, CUP directs the focus of all involved members on the needs. Thus, it shows that there is abundancy within the community as long as the redistribution is organized efficiently. This organisation happens partly via a homepage, on which all needs are published that can be handled directly (fabric scraps, screws, plant cuttings, etc.) and people can get into direct contact and interaction. Bigger needs like the building of a house / cottage, renovations, start-up of a company, etc. are implemented in the form of projects and physical meetings. The one person formulating the need is always the project manager and takes care of the progress of his project. Thus, the initiative CUP becomes a platform which offers the infrastructure for people to act in self-responsibility and get into direct contact and exchange with each other without being dependent on banks or authorities. One further form of organization of bigger projects are preannounced raising campaigns carried out from household to household. This spares many people the drive to the communal recycling station and allows recycling instead of new consumption. The assets that are identified, bundled up and redistributed through CUP are crisis- and inflation-proof. Furthermore, the community gets stronger through common actions and their visible results.



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