Glyphs Project
Final Compositions - Serif using Stempel Garamond and Sans Serif using Neue Haas Grotesk. Printed and applied to foam core board. 
Create two typographic compositions using black and white typeface from Stempel Garamond and Neue Haas Grotesk. Design using a variation of letters and numbers on a 6.75'' X 8" spread while using the principles of design. The finished compositions should feel complete and harmonious where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
This Serif composition using Stempel Garamond strives to create balance with the repetition of certain elements found within the typeface as well as the negative space that is created throughout. 
This Sans Serif composition utilizes the grid to create a uniform and simple composition while utilizing the natural contours of the Neue Haas Grotesk typeface. 
Glyphs Project

Glyphs Project

This project involved the creation of two typographic compositions using the two separate typefaces and the principles of design. The finished co Read More
