Gerard Falla's profile

Oak Park Senior Housing

Oak Park Senior Housing
Client: Mogavero Notestine Associates
MNA had hired Jeff George (who does phenomenal work - hand renderings, full of character and human warmth) for the warm-fuzzies, and asked if I'd take a little time to do a couple of CG views of the project to fill out their packet.

Unfortunately, there was a timing mismatch, and I wasn't given the official green light until too late: though I knocked these out quickly, and though MNA did like the results, they were literally a day too late to be used in the ground breaking ceremony packet as intended.

Nonetheless, they show quite well what can be done very quickly when coming from a decent model base: the last two images are examples of non-photo real (NPR) renders - one just ambient occlusion and slight lifework, the other a pen and ink style hatching.
Oak Park Senior Housing

Oak Park Senior Housing

Oak Park Senior Housing is a great example of mixed-use infill work, with a assisted living housing niche; it's a great project exemplar, and is Read More
