Brief: Rebrand NGO

Bbased the development of PASCAP Trust’s Brand Identity on an Ikigai.  An Ikigai is a Japanese concept, which is about discovering one’s reason for being. This reason for being lies at the centre of intersecting circles of that which brings value to one’s life. In the same way, the aspects of PASCAP Trust’s identity(Mission, Vision, Tone etc.) each bring value to the brand, and interlink to give the essence and
positioning – in other words, PASCAP Trust’s reason for being. This concept was additionally used to
develop a possible revised visual brand identity, which will be returned to further on.

the Ikigai concept was used again to develop the logo, which is arguably the most important aspect of the proposed new corporate identity. It says who the brand is, and what it does, in one simple symbol. We stuck with the Ikigai as inspiration as PASCAP Trust’s most unique characteristic is that it harnesses youth’s inherent skills to help them discover their reason for being – their Ikigai. In addition, there is one common purpose linking all three of PASCAP Trust’s branches in a meaningful way, and we aimed to convey this visually. The logo also looks like people holding hands, and it is PASCAP Trust’s intention​​​​​​​ to work with children and communities to encourage growth.



Rebranding of an NGO called PASCAP Trust
