Warren Flavin's profile

WIT Architecture School - Semester 3: in the Courtyard

In the Courtyard
Building on a confined site
In this project, you will continue dealing with an extremely confined site.What is the notion of living on this site? Who might be interested in living here?How can one design good living space in this specific location? How many units are reasonable?How much space can be “filled up”, how much space should remain void?How does one get enough light into the lower storeys?What contribution can the project give to the adjacent public and to its neighbourhood?How about vertical or horizontal living concepts like in a terraced housing, an apartment buildingor in a duplex system?In order to find out how much living space and how many living units can be provided on thissite, you will first investigate the massing of the building:Where is “building volume” and where is “void”?What space qualities – both inside and outside – can be created by different mass compositions?Where is front, where is rear? How about daylight and orientation?How many storeys can/should be developed if the minimum height of any storey is 2.80m?The conclusion of your massing studies will be a zoning concept:What living clusters can be derived from your site investigation? How are the units accessed?You can now start to specify your design ideas for the units in section, floor plan and elevationstudies.You are free to decide about the number and the size of your living units. However, you shouldclearly envisage the dweller(s) and provide the best possible living space for them. Identifywith the users and envisage their way of living.
Concept Sketch 
 Cross Section
  Longitudinal Section
Sectional Perspective
 Physical Model
 Physical model
WIT Architecture School - Semester 3: in the Courtyard

WIT Architecture School - Semester 3: in the Courtyard

Semester 3 Studio Project
