Trent Thompson's profile

2011 RBC Student Campus Promotion

Students are cash strapped. They always have been and, odds are, always will be. Students need text books. Always have and always will. Despite these two irrefutable facts, many students will chose purchases that increase their social currency instead of the academic kind. They'll opt for breakfast, bikes and bobbleheads when they should be buying text books or used.

Well, with a little advice from RBC (not to mention a promotion giving away $1000 every day), students don't have to choose. They can get what's cool and still do well in school.
CMA Awards – 2011, Sliver, Integrated Campaign
CMA Awards – 2011, Silver, Promotions
CMA Awards – 2011, Bronze, Digital
IAB Mixx Awards – 2010, Silver, Digital
AME Awards – 2010, Silver, Integrated Campaign
2011 RBC Student Campus Promotion

2011 RBC Student Campus Promotion

Newspaper print, OOH boards pictured
