The Black Box is a robotic installation, a reference to Vilém Flusser’s concept of the technology that intentionally conceals its inner workings. Through a metaphor to this concept, the participant borrows the body and the senses of a strictly non-anthropomorphic robot, and wanders in a maze closed off from the outside world, unaware of their own appearance, capabilities, or scale. This seemingly preserves the increasingly dated assumption, that robots are mere prosthetics, meanwhile, it fulfils the transhumanist ideal of organic and inorganic minds melding. The makeshift symbiosis of flesh and machine becomes complete, when, through its own reflection in a mirror, it emerges as a hybrid being moving in unison with itself. The interaction between digital and sentient happens through devices miming those that are used for exploring VR, but unlike virtual reality, this inner universe of concrete has mass, it occupies space, it is a subset of our physical world.
photo: Jakab Erdély
Black Box

Black Box

The Black Box is a robotic installation, a reference to Vilém Flusser’s concept of the technology that intentionally conceals its inner workings. Read More
