Spencer Rogers's profile

Emory Rose Photography Portfolio

Emory Rose Photography
Communications and Design Plan 
Emory Rose Photography is a start-up Lubbock based photography studio without a communications plan, logo, corporate identity, or advertisement ideas. The studio specializes in portraiture ranging from maternity, to newborn, to family, to seniors, to weddings. The studio believes that there are beautiful moments in everybody's life and that these moments should be captured to preserve the moment.

This communications and design plan was produced for use as a class project.

The font chosen for "Emory Rose" was to reflect the rustic feel of the photography produced from the studio. The font for "Photography" was chosen to reflect the professionalism of the studio that might have been lacking with the first font. The rose with the aperture blades was created to replace the "O's" in both names, as well as reflect the photographic nature of the business.
 Logo Alternate
The same logo with 18% gray type. The gray type was chosen to be used on overlays in images to improve visibility. White was not chosen as white has a higher chance of being in the image, reducing the contrast of the logo in the image.
 Business Card
We did not want to simply paste the logo into the card, so we separated the rose from the logo, resized it and placed it off to the side to have it be prominent in the design. A QR code designed to direct the scanner to the website was included, as well as a phone number and the website address itself for those without a QR code scanner.
We wanted to include the logo in the design as this is an official document. We decided to use the rose as a watermark, placed similarly as on the business card. The logo and rose were placed to offset one another and to keep form overloading one side of the document. The contact information along the bottom was placed to act as a bottom frame to the document, as well as providing contact information.
Similar to the business card, we did not want to paste the logo into the design. This time, "photography" was used in the same rustic font as "Emory Rose" as to keep only one font on the top line. The degradation of the letters "g" and "a" in photography are somewhat undesired, however, the descender from the "g" underlines the basic point of the word, "photo." The address below was spaced so to fit between the descenders from the letters "y", and "g". The use of the rose is to keep with the branding of the company and the rose.
 Magazine Advertisement
This design was created to highlight one aspect of the studio, wedding photography. The ad is framed by simple line work to contain the viewer's eyes and attention. The catch phrase was used to reflect the idea from the studio that the beautiful moments in life should be captured photographically. The area below the photo includes the logo for branding. The QR code is a discount code to promote new business, along with the call-to-action statement. Finally, the studio's website was included to drive traffic.
 Newspaper Advertisement
The ad was placed on a 18% gray background to simulate the ad appearing in a newspaper. The line work, catch phrase, and call-to-action statements are all the same from the magazine ad to carry the repetition. The call-to-action statement was squeezed along the bottom as not too overload the one side of the ad where the QR code is, and did not fit or feel even if it was placed opposite the QR code.
 Brochure - Outside
The brochure was designed to highlight one aspect of Emory Rose Photography, wedding and portraiture. The front cover is one large image from a wedding, with the logo in white lettering overlayed. The back cover are more wedding images that have been framed to help stand out, along with a QR code for a discounted session price and basic contact information. 
 Brochure - Inside
The inside right of the brochure is where the the eyes are drawn and it is where the quasi-title of the brochure was placed. The images were laid out in a way where it was image-heavy on the right hand side, with one large image crossing the gutter to bring the eyes back to the left. The catch phrase and call to action were placed on the left side to be one of the last things the viewer sees after the pictures.
Emory Rose Photography Portfolio

Emory Rose Photography Portfolio

This portfolio was created as a project in a public relations graphics and design course
