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Urban Redevelopment of Tainan Main Station Area, Taiwan

2012 Urban Redevelopment Project at Tainan Main Station, Taiwan
Tainan, Taiwan
New design of Tainan Main Station is mainly about to recall Tainan people and visitors a history of the site by keeping all important unique architecture, decoration and sculpture on the site. As well as, adding business zone, new humble landscape design, increase space for passive and active activities for all users.
Master Plan

Master plan of new Tainan Main Station park will be represented the gigantic multi-purpose public park, included variety of recreation, business, commercial zones. The park will be introduced among historial architecture structure. New park will allow visitors to enjoy leisure activities with the historical story of Tainan Main Station. This is to show the philosophy of past and present.
A New Environmental Tainan Square

In front of Tainan Main Station will be converted into a gigantic urban park. People welcome into the new Tainan Main Station with a very colorful and environmental park. Cleaning air pollution plants will be implemented. All square space is where people can utilize the space in the evening. 

During the day, the park serves people as a big transition space, only shrubs no big trees, which reminds people about the history of Tainan Main Station when it first was built. It was a bare land and only the station in 1900. The reflection pond reflects the image of statue. People must walk under the pond and paying respect to the place and history. In the evening, people can definitely enjoy doing both active and passive activities in all green pieces. All traffic happens nowadays. It will be proposed to be relocated into underground level.
Past and Present
(Dongfeng Road Entrance)

There is no any obstacle. East and West side of Tainan Main Station. Railway area, once used to be an unpleasant space and prohibited crossing, will be converted into a big green lawn with a series of local flower plants. This is to remind people that unpleasant space is not longer exist. Main structures, involved with the history of Tainan Main Station, are kept as historical landscape elements of this place. This area tempts to mix old existing and new design, architecture and landscape together to give a sense of history and contemporary living meaning when people come and use this area.

Flow of Linkage and People Connection

In the past, railway area is a major obstacle of people connection. To solve this problem, a overhead bridge will be proposed. People from Chen Kung University, Daxue road and visitors from Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel can easily access to the park by walking over the overhead bridge, no harm with crossing the street. The overhead bridge will be proposed to build at every corner of the site to both welcome people into the new park and reduce harm of accident which normal happens from crossing street. Also, it can be used as an observatory. People can see aerial view of the new park on the bridges too.
A New Living Lifestyle
(No Changed but Organized)

Street vendors and local outdoor markets are local lifestyle which reflects the way of Tainan people living. New design of the park will allocate a proper areas, such as at the small aisle in which people usually use it as a cross, for this local business. On the other hand, cafe, restaurant, indoor air-conditioning market will be designated apart from where the local outdoor market and vendor located, such as at Tainan Cultural and Creative Industrial Park. This concept is to keep the local lifestyle intact; however, giving  new modern business opportunities to investors to create work and new jobs.

Past and Present
(Minzu Road Entrance)

Architecture near Minzu road is very interesting. It represented the way of Tainan people who live along the railway. Therefore, architecture shall be kept. Those houses can be represented themselves as an opening outdoor museum. Major landscape is designed with a contrast of both architecture and landscape elements to remind Tainan people and visitors about the past and present condition of the site; as same as, the Northern area. However, this area emphasis on showing the ancient living of Tainan people, but at the North area, design focuses on the connection people and landscape.
A Ground Connection

Overhead bridges are the landscape elements with connecting people to major destination of the new park. However, new park is also have on ground connections in many areas. Many ground connections usually are walking across a big lawn. People make a cross it freely. Some area is proposed a physical linkage as bridge because of high walking traffic such as in the area of Tainan Main Station and the university. Moreover, this path can direct people’s vision to historical structure or antique architecture. People can always be reminded themselves with history as proposed on the main concept.
Urban Redevelopment of Tainan Main Station Area, Taiwan

Urban Redevelopment of Tainan Main Station Area, Taiwan

New design of Tainan Main Station is mainly about to recall Tainan people or users about the history of the site by keeping major unique architec Read More
