#78—Danny Crane

Missouri Life
Local hero and drag racing champion, Danny Crane is an inspiration. Taking on NASCAR legends while mentoring two boys who dream of following in his footsteps, Crane let Missouri Life tag along for the ride. Don't let him fool you though, Crane is still just a down home, local boy at heart, struggling in the downshifting economy with the rest of America.
Andrew Page directs Crane to the track for a qualifying lap.
Danny Crane prepares to run qualifying laps at 24 Raceway track in Moberly.
Andrew Page grinds down the tread on the tires to prepare for the dirt track race at 24 Raceway in Moberly.
Part racing culture is enjoying the company and atmosphere inside the pit. Most crews enjoy the race from inside the pit on top of the car trailers.
Danny's son poses with him for the winner's photo after taking first place at 24 Raceway in Moberly.
Danny enlists the help of his crew to help with maintaining the car between races. The car is striped of its aluminum covering after the races in order to clean the mud and dirt from the inside out and keep the car in top condition.
The boys listen intently as Crane talks about mechanical issues important in maintaining a winning racecar.
Trophies line the shelves of Danny Crane's father's garage where he works on his cars. They are covered with years of dust from victories early on in his career. Danny began to give away trophies to his young fans at the racetrack after a win because he ran out of room to put them all.
Danny Crane #78

Danny Crane #78

A photo essay documenting local racing hero Danny Crane.
