Art Academy
Relation of the project
1. Site Layout
The project is based on the principle of the park and solid wood preservation, as well as consecution to the existing spatial relationships in it. In particular, the fact that there is a Raspail monument  in the park, suggested the idea to make the main entrance of the building the most exposed to the square and Rue Victor Considérant Boulevard and Boulevard Raspail. Focusing on the park, the building of Art Academy was given a place in the depths of the site. Situated among the trees, it does not play the primary role in a perception of space. The first thing that a stranger sees is the park and its natural environment: paths, benches, hidden in the shadow of greenery. Put out of sight by the trees, Art Academy building designed the way not to "compete" with the historical buildings in Paris, and it becomes the "heart" of the new small world of art.
 2. Building mass
Following the basic principle, the volume of Art Academy building represents "cluttered" to each other several different prisms,that form a single fused vertical composition. As it is common in high-rise buildings the stairs in the project, do not pierce through the floors, forming the skeleton, and bows and ties between prisms, opening on the facade of the building. The ladder has become the main means of expression, which blurs the boundaries between the interior of the Art Academy and the environment. Because of this technique the building is devoid of alienation and static, it grows into the environment, fueled by its natural energy.
3. Functionality
Location of the functional areas is provided by combination of the building and a pedestrian area on the ground level, where you can see random people and groups of various creative communities, who came to visit Art Academy. The entire first floor is a small cafe, excluding lift, halls, dressing rooms, and sanitary facilities. The café offers a panoramic view of the square in front of the Academy and  cozy streets of Paris. Everyone passing by the building can come in and have a cup of tea or coffee in a café and become a part of this creative world, spend time with friends and watch from the window a performance on the square,that surrounded by talented, creative and "crazy" people.
Classes of Theatre Arts and laboratory sessions for sculpture, painting and graphics are kept separate on the upper levels (three and four levels). This composition expresses a certain detachment from the annoying hustle and bustle of daily life. On a subconscious level, students are immersed in the creative process and the creation of the world with the desire to look at usual things with fresh eyes.
On the second level, there is an administrative part of the building. It is the boundary between the main functional spaces of the building: the creative component, and the consumer space, that provide flows of people: random or regular guests and employees (students, trainees) in the Art Academy.
4. Materials of construction.
The great importance in the project is given to outdoor lighting of the Art Academy. It is worth noticing that this stained glass and windows play a role of the building "face". The glazing is distributed in such a way to maximize a light the interior space, while retaining the ability to isolate the excess of a daylight. Therefore, Art Academy classes are provided double-glazing. It is necessary that the outer glass layer shall be sensitive to weather conditions changes in the environment and shall ensure optimal light transmission, as well as protection of the room from overheating. Stained-glass windows look like overhead (hanging) translucent surfaces of different shapes, occupying a large area of ​​the facades, covering two levels simultaneously. This method of glazing visually facilitates the building, breaking clear rhythm of stories, "dissolving" the building in the air.
Light-colored concrete was selected as the material for the frame and the outer walls, which in combination with the glass to be used as the primary finishing material of indoor space of  the Art Academy.
Art Academy


Art Academy

2016 Competition work Location: Paris, France
