Alarm X Fashion accessory. With the integration of vibration motors and a heat pad, which are powered by rechargeable battery, E-Scarf is a smart alarm scarf that uses haptic sensations to wake users up from their nap in the most subtle and pleasant way. E-Scarf is controlled using a smart phone application via low-connectivity Bluetooth. Made of cotton jersey with a built-in neck support, E-Scarf provides a comfortable napping experience while doubling up as a fashion accessory, enabling youths to enjoy napping while commuting with comfort, convenience, minimal disturbances and unplanned surprises.
Summary of Research & Insights.
In this age of technological advancement, technology does not only serve us in terms of home appliances and gadgets. It has evolved and become more integrated into our everyday lifestyle. So what exactly do we look for in wearable technology? As part of my primary research, an interview was conducted with 10 youths (aged 18-22) to understand more about their perspective on wearable technology. 
Today, most youths do not sleep up to the recommended 8 hours. Hence, youths spend pockets of time during their commute or break time napping, hoping to catch that extra snooze. Another round of interview was conducted with 10 youths (aged 18-22) to understand the napping culture, routines and habits. Secondary research has also been conducted to understand the science and logic behind napping.
Experimentation of circuit.
Consisting of Arduino Lilypad USB, Vibration Motors, Head Pad (not shown in picture), Conductive Fabric and Rechargeable Batteries.
Haptic Feedback via heat pad and vibration motors.
Structured Neck Support.
E-Scarf Alarm Application.
E-Scarf, 2016

E-Scarf, 2016

E-Scarf is a smart alarm scarf that makes napping during commutes an enjoyable experience by creating a more pleasant waking experience through h Read More
