A town is a place with a population between 1,000 and 10,000 inhabitants that fits in a category above the village and below the city. To a continuous urban agglomeration be considered a village must have community facilities.
This town was inspired in Morocco, because of the characteristics of buildings with various patterns, shapes of the facades and color. The collective facilities of this town are the mosque, the market and the desert, and of course the houses.
First, was request to develop an animation with a 10 second duration to present a visual explanation of the structure of a town, as well as the parts that compose it and the relationship between them. 
The graphics and the universal principles of design should be used in a advisable manner translating what you want to communicate.
For this animation was chosen one of the community facilities, the mosque because of the large amount of ornament, his meaning and color.
To the second part of the project, was request to start with the dissection and analysis of a building of the town in order to develop an animation with 15 seconds to explain the internal structure, component parts and the relationship between them. Synthesizing will be important to understand the divisions and functioning of the construction.
Once more was chosen one of the community facilities, the mosque.
Animatic of different spaces
The animation begins with the Mihrab, a semicircular niche in the wall of a mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca and hence the direction that Muslims should face when praying. So, with that in mind,
the orientation of the camera is always carried out in order to give emphasis to this perspective . 
Morocco - Town

Morocco - Town

In this part of the postgraduate studies in Motion Design - Infographics - is assumed the translation into visual as a fundamental part in the co Read More
