135mm of pure 3d-printing pleasure. Printed at www.shapeways.com
This model was commissioned by a fan. Normally, I don't use official logo's and livery because of IP and commercial rights.
The model is printed in "full color sandstone". You can compare it with plaster.
When it's printed, the machine adds a resin and ink (CMYK).
The walls are 2mm thick. In some areas, slightly more for structural integrity. The main reason for hollowing out the models is to save material and costs.
Otherwise I wouldn't be able to offer them for a fair price.
The textures used are uploaded as CMYK files, 2048x2048px 300dpi. I use Illustrator to make them... Vector-based, so always nice and sharp.
Keep in mind that the output of the printer in 3d is about 60 dpi. It still looks pretty clear though. Resolution will improve in the future.
The biggest challenge is to maintain my own style, while trying to keep as many original features in there as possible. It also has to fit, according to material/print-specs.
After the model is printed, it has to be cleaned (they have to remove the print-powder). There need to be enough room for powder to escape.
Models/prints can be sanded afterwards, to remove the print-lines. But I never do. Personally, I think it's very nice to see it's 3d-printed.
The original finish is slightly grainy, but when you sand it, it will be very smooth. It can be varnished or waxed afterwards for a glossy smooth finish.
I love to make pictures afterwards! It's a great feeling to see a model come to life. Within a week or two, models can turn from ideas into actual products. Amazing if you ask me!
Of-course, when you make a 3d model, you can render it from every angle. In all kinds of styles. Reflective, smooth or grainy, lined or tooned... But it never beats a real photo!
A special feature is the use of multiple materials. The rims could be printed in full color sandstone as a part of the model, but the wires need to have a minimum diameter of at least 2mm.
That's why i chose to make them using a strong and flexible Black plastic. Wires can be as thin as 0.8mm. That looks much better! They have a click-system so no need for glue!
I've been watching F1 for quite some years now. I'm a big Senna fan, love Schumacher and think that Lewis Hamilton is the best driver on the grid at this moment.
But there's no competition with just one driver on the grid, so I have more than one favorite. Raikkonen, Vettel, Alonso.... You name them! I like them all. I just love everything about F1.
I made this version of Lewis after running into some trouble with his team. Not really much trouble, but they asked me to stop making the ones based on the current livery. It's not my IP, so it does make sense. No hard feelings. So this version has no team-livery or whatsoever. Just a few things that make him "Lewis". The green cap, the gold chain and nr.44. Works well if you ask me.
I also made this podium as an extra option (not included, sold separately). That mini-Mumm bottle must be the smallest on the market! Everyone can put their favorite driver on P1 now!
One of the current projects, a Dakar-buggy. Dakar is amazing, and we're lucky to have some Dutch drivers in there. This buggy is build by the Coronel-twins.
It has won in it's own group of cars! It wasn't easy to build, it's quite a challenging shape. But I like that! And it came out great. Maybe one of the best prints so far...
It's about 115mm long, and has as many details as possible. The tyre-profile, suspension, interiour etc... All within the material specs of-course...
In the 3d-design, the details can be unlimited. For the print, it's limited to 2mm walls, and 0.5mm embossed/engraved details.
This is the shape when it's UV-textured. A lot of work to asign each plane or part to a certain grid. But it's worth the effort. After it's assigned, you can start filling in the graphics/logo's.
The end-result is amazing... And easy to change! 
And finaly, you open the door to accept your Shapeways-package from the UPS-guy... And this it what comes out! The actual product. Im-in-love! :D
The details, the print-lines, the colors... even better than expected! My compliments for Shapeways, they are doing an excellent job.
If you're looking for someone to make you a 3d-model, please contact me! Mini3ddrivers@gmail.com
You can find my shop at http://www.shapeways.com/shops/mini3ddrivers


3d-printed race figurines and vehicles
