Brian Wise's profile

Piazza Mancini Redevelopment

The objective of this project was to redevelop an existing site in order to create a fitting entryway to the Foro Italico while introducing elements of nature found nearby, reducing the visual urban impact, and creating strong connections to other areas of development in accordance to a master plan.
The master plan was produced with the aim of adapting the existing Olympic Park in Rome so that it would be able to host the games once more.  To this end, the section developed here within acted as two indoor venues, as well as a major public transit hub.  Its unique location outside of the envelope of the rest of the site, seperated by the Tiber, also created the condition as the main point of entry.
By peeling up from the ground and creating an artificial slope, the complex is camoflauged when approaching from within the city by the looming Mt. Mario beyond it.  This creates an intentional duality, as the raw structure and elevations are exposed when viewed from the within the Olympic Park, across the river.
Piazza Mancini Redevelopment

Piazza Mancini Redevelopment

Creating a fitting entryway for a revitalized Foro Italico
