This is the final rendering of my Pompeii Poster for the ROM exhibit. 
1. HB pencil
2. 6B pencil
3. White ink sharpie
4. Eraser
5. Colour Pencils 
6. Black Canson Paper
7. Computer & Printer
Using the photos I took at the ROM on my phone, I created thumbnails using a template. 

Initially, I wanted to use the marble bust in #3 as my composition choice. I even began to sketch the outline for the final. However, I realized that I had little proir experience using pencil crayon and to create the design concept I was envisioning, I would need to have more knowledge and practice on how to record light using only white highlights on black paper. To save myself my sanity, I compromised and went with the design that I could still use the same dark background and light image and text combination, while also creating a visually striking poster. 
I chose #2 as my final composition.

1. Using the template shown below, I printed a full size copy of the composition of the poster.

 2. Taking the printed version, I flipped it over and rubbed a 6B pencil covering the entire back of the page.
 3. I placed the template page on top of a piece of black Canson paper. Then I began tracing the image and text with a HB pencil so that the graphite rubbed on the back leaves a guideline on the Canson.
4. Next I filled in the text and logo with a white ink sharpie
5. Using the colours shown in the photo below, I began colouring in the image with colour pencil in a mosaic style.
6. I built layers of the pigment to give rich colours against the black background.
7. I continued to colour until the final looked like this
Pompeii Poster

Pompeii Poster

This work was for my Art Culture class. We were asked to design a poster for the Pompeii Exhibit at the ROM featuring one of the pieces in the ex Read More
