Margarita Yerastova's profile

Signage for Town Center of Abacoa

The Town Center of Abacoa was soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide concepts for streetscape improvement and a new signage and wayfinding system in order to assist the Town Center in becoming more accessible, easy-to-navigate, and creating a more exciting destination. Working with the Landscape Architecture Division of WGI, a new signage family was designed, which included gateway wayfinding signs for the major entrances into the Town Center, gateway signage for more residential street corners, pedestrian interactive directories, cars and bike parking signage, street lamp signage, and logo sculpture fountains. 
The designs comprise of using the new logo as a sculptural focal element throughout the entire system, as well as the new color palette to create visually attractive and welcoming signage to coordinate with the new overall look and enhance visitor experience.
Signage for Town Center of Abacoa

Signage for Town Center of Abacoa

Streetscape improvement project
