Lee Hopkins's profile

Google Packaging Design - Design Competition

Google Packaging Design
Design Competition
This project was a competition entry for the well-known company Google. The requirements were to produce an imaginery packaging range for Google's family of products.

I wanted to rely on the main benefits of Google, being known for speed and results. Researching Google, I discovered that the word 'Google' is a number with one hundred zeros. In addition to this, I aimed to use the zeros to emphasise the results they produce and illustrate each product with minimalist design.

My clean, minimalist approach works successfuly for Google, as the dominant visual element of everything they produce is white space which signifies their simple, straightforward approach.

The actual packaging design was based around the idea that when you open a google product, you enter a new world, filled with vibrant energy. This signifies the reason for myself using the Google colours on the inside.

The sides of the packaging contain a sharp, simple phrase expressing the main purpose and easy use of each product. I later used these phrases to link with the well known saying in society 'Google It' which has been established due to Google's popularity and reliability with searches.
Google Packaging Design - Design Competition

Google Packaging Design - Design Competition

Google Packaging Design
