The photographs below are part of a current project in which I am investigating Futurism to capture a modern image focused on digital innovation and technology of the future. I have experimented in Photoshop to create images of cyborgs in modern landscapes in a Futuristic style of cyan hues and glowing lights, to emphasise the cinematic effect.
Influenced by Julia Fullerton-Batton's regimented photographs, I investigated the crisp and robotic idea of the future further. The image below is a final product of a photoshoot where I created a bare environment that is convincly real yet strangely artificial due the harsh black and white contrast and the clinical lighting. The model stares blankly at the same point, in each position in the classroom, creating an unnerving atmosphere as we cannot see what she is fixated on. I liked the landscape in the window panes that gives off an eerie red hue, which emphaises the futurisic atomsphere even more. The black and white contrast makes the photograph appear more symmetrical through the bold angular walls and tables, and the regularity of the room juxtaposes with the irregularity of the model's placement in the random chairs. I cropped the composition which extends the space of the classroom because the boards and windows appear elongated as they escape from the frame. 
What Lies Ahead

What Lies Ahead

These photographs are some of my pieces of my current project for my Photography A2-Level in which I am investigating Futurism to capture a moder Read More
