Creative Brief
First Scribe, a leading technology company in responsive web design, development and online marketing was long overdue for a makeover. We needed a website that didn't just look good on multiple devices but would continue to generate leads and be a top competitor in search engines. 
The Design
It was imperative for the company's brand and culture to come through in this redesign. As the lead designer on this project, I wanted there to be a high level of interactivity that would instantly engage new and old users. Introducing a homepage video, animated SVG graphics, highly interactive team page and unique hover states were a few of the design elements to help bring this redesign to another level. 
Received Honorable Mention for web design and development by
Awarded 'Site of the Day' by CSS Nectar.
First Scribe

First Scribe

Responsive web design, video production and branding.
