Emerging Markets
Poster commissioned by Fonds Event 2010
Fonds Event is an anual conference for mutual funds investing, held  in Amsterdam. The organizers have asked for a graphic work, that would be a free interpretation on the future of investing.

This silkscreen poster consists of 21 'charts', and each of them represents one of the developing economies, as recognized by MSCI Barra / The Economist. In each chart, data from 4 crucial economic measurements (such as unemployment or GDP growth rate), form the past 10 years, was translated into noise density pattern. Each of those 4 patterns had one of the CMYK colors assigned, and then they were all overlaid upon each other, thus creating colorful 'flags', sort of non-sensical info-graphics for economic measurements.

Investing is predominantly based on search for patterns, on collecting and merging them into more advanced ones, and so forth. I was intrigued by the idea of using numerical entry data to create automated patterns.
They both inform and confuse in the same time. On the first glance, the charts don't tell us anything about the countries they represent, even though they contain very real information. Perhaps this could be an interesting way to create national flags, ones that would change perpetually, and ones that would "objectively" reflect the real character of their nations.
Emerging Markets

Emerging Markets

Fonds Event is an anual conference for mutual funds investing, held in Amsterdam. The organizers have asked for a graphic work, that would be a f Read More
