These were some of the packaging images of the blue version.  Starting images can be seen below.
The pink phone was shot separately, but I was asked to composite some shared parts from the blue so those parts would be identical.  
The silver version had the same starting images as the blue (shown below).
 These were the starting images for the blue and silver.  The Right Side Open was made from the Left Side Open and the Right Side Closed, so they could look really similar.  The Right 3qtr was mostly made from the Left 3qtr, but with some elements from the original composited.  I also used the pink keypad for the 3qtrs since it was closer in tone to the blue and then the characters only had to be edited out one time to add additional languages.
These were the starting images for the pink.  Compositing was done similarly to the blue one on the sides and 3qtr views.  I was also asked to composite the chrome from the blue version.
Motorola ZN200


Motorola ZN200

This was for Motorola Packaging. I did the retouch, tone, and color correction. I also did some compositing as the client preferred to save time Read More


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