Internal Posters
for Publicis Capital, Mumbai
PUBlicis is a unwinding session where a designated person makes a presentation on topic of his interest. While everyone else listens to the presentation over free beers.
Idea: Join in if you are too busy for an internal event but care for good time and free beers.

It was fun and challenging doing this internal campaign.
Fun because there was no restriction, no guidelines and no brief.
Challenging because there was no restriction, no guidelines and no brief!
Fun because it was for the same members of agency I work with.
Challenging because it was for the same members of agency I work with!
Fun because it was just a day to conceptualize, execute and display the work.
Challenging because it was just a day to conceptualize, execute and display the work!

The campaign was done in Hinglish (Hindi+English) language, In case of language issue pls read the explanations.
Logo: Highlighting PUB in publicis red with dizzy effect

Poster about a very busy client servicing girl’s reactions after knowing that she was the chosen one to start the show and make a presentation.
Client Servicing: WTF? Y ME? SHIT Man! Why me first to start! Can’t we do  it nxt Friday!!!
                            Neeti, why don’t you do it?
another CS: Why Me?
Art director (to his copy partner): Hey Tejas, Give me some headline (for this campaign)
Copy writer: Put whatever you want, man!

the conversation between an Art director and  Creative Director who otherwise is very hard to please.
Concept and Art Direction: Pankaj Mishra
Copywriter: Pankaj Mishra, Tejas Ravindranathan
PUBlicis (2012)

PUBlicis (2012)

left empty for now....


Creative Fields