André Tereso's profile

'10 | SinoWave Building

The project was located on a city block with a pre-existent Palace building. 
The resolution of the project consist in creating a unique Condo building with offices and small commerce.
Espinho as a city was planned with a grid plan with perpendicular streets. Most buildings in the city were designed like an square “0” leaving the blank spaces to create inside gardens for the uses of the residentes.
The present block was divided by a squared grid and filled with a “U” shape leaving the old building with some space to breath as well as the center of the square free. 
Creating a small depression on the center results on a sinusoidal wave that pulls of the squared pieces extruding them in a vertical way emerging like a tetris game combining and transforming themselves into residencial condos and offices.
The new building was projected with a special glass as a skin with small ceramic dots printed in it. This design creates a translucid wall and at the same time a big white scenario to the Palace. This transparent material allows the building to live day and night, inside out, illuminating all the block at sunset. 
Because of the different heights the building generate protection to the wind, to the sun creating a quiet and desired square block.
'10 | SinoWave Building

'10 | SinoWave Building

'10 – Academic Project
