Darcey Mullis's profile

Business Feature Expansion

Working in a team of three, we determined ways to add the ability to fund projects on a repeat schedule.  Deliverables included project plan finding target groups to interview, research, data analysis, persona development, testing theories, new user flows, sketches, style guidelines, wireframes and a clickable prototype, 10-minute presentation and a final documentation.
Working in a team required organization and planning to meet our deadline of less than two weeks. The team used excel and Trello to track progress, share ideas, and assign deliverables and due dates.
Our original idea was to create an additional type of project category that would allow creators to get funding earlier in the process of starting a new business than what is typically offered through Kickstarter. 
After determining our target group, we started with an initial survey to help determine where the needs of the business and consumers would intersect. 
We found that people were more likely to donate on a recurring basis when the organization’s goals were charitable or to help others.
Our solution started to change based on research and interviews. reate an incubator type atmosphere to start projects in phases.  
Phases might include the following categories depending on type of project: Research Design Development or Renovation Production or Training 
Project phases will be funded as each level is reached to help get projects started and moving more quickly in the beginning stages. 
Backers can also spread their payments over time, entering their choice of amount and how many monthly payments, rather than paying in one lump sum.
Based on our research, interviews, and testing, we developed two types of personas — a project contributor and a project creator or owner.
I created three user flows along with a checkout flow using Axure. I wanted to make sure that the navigation for the site would work for any of the three users, event with their different pain points and preferences. For the checkout flow, I used the information gathered in my competitive analysis to streamline the number of pages in the checkout process as much as possible.
Our goals in designing the new feature on the site was to keep with the style and flow of the existing Kickstarter website as much as possible. Initial sketched, wireframes and style guide outline spacing, fonts, button and navigation styles and show layout to help the team keep the continuity while adding pages and details for the prototype.
Working in Axure, continued working on our wireframes, reviewing against our findings. We split up the pages needed and started to add details to move into a clickable prototype for more testing. 
Styleguides were created to keep the designs in line with company branding, and to set consistent design elements in the new features being added.
In testing with our prototype prior to making it high fidelity, we found the following issues and made updates.  
Users did not want to upload video for every phase. and felt that it was asking too much during set up. We changed set up to require only one video for the “elevator pitch” and then additional videos are optional. 
If additional videos are uploaded, they will show under each phase section on the main project page. 
One user commented that he liked the idea of creating phases and being able to support projects earlier to help creators, validating the solution we decided on. 
In our testing, we also found that Project contributors we more likely to search for and contribute to projects on a mobile device, so in addition to the website prototype, we also did wireframes for the mobile site to show how changes would be implemented.  
A clickable prototype is available here. http://uzj8y5.axshare.com
Axure, PhotoShop, Sketch
Business Feature Expansion

Business Feature Expansion

Team project with the goal of adding a feature to an existing website.
