The project was developed at Aalborg University Copenhagen, as part of the 2014/2015 I semester of Service Systems Design master’s program.
Designers: Critical factors and Quattro stagioni were created by Christian Brandstrup Jensen, Andreas Jonsson, Marianne Have Petersen, Jonas Wenke and Bánk Horváth.
The storyboard, Value Constellation Experience, service system architecture and blueprint were created by Bánk Horváth.
Aspire produces high quality vacuum cleaners, in the high price range. In order to reach new markets, Aspire decides to create a new service, in which vacuum cleaners can be hired for a limited time. With this service Aspire intends to reach young people, students, people living in small apartments, or people renting apartments for a short period of time. Aspire, a producer of high-quality vacuum cleaners, wants to develop and implement a new service in order to reach new markets. The service will enable people to hire vacuum cleaners for a limited time, and to offer their cleaning services on a digital platform.
Critical factors
Mapping of critical factors is essential at the beginning of service systems design, since we have to measure what kind of things are important for the users regarding the service.
Quattro stagioni
The quattro stagioni model places the different service concepts into a matrix regarding to the complexity of the service and the influence of Aspire on the actions in the service. Every new idea can be placed in the matrix and compared with the others. A basic and open service has to be cheap, while a complex service with Aspire’s full control has higher price. FindMyPrecious was created due to quattro stagioni model, and later it was further developed by different service design tools.
FindMyPrecious is a service for people who lost a valuable (spiritual or material) jewellery at home. It can be a ring or earring that is tiny enough not to find if it falls on the ground and bounce away. The customer might try to find it, but if she fails, she can ask for help at Find My Precious cleaning service. Aspire certified staff clean the house and find the missing valuables in the dust. Because of the high values, Aspire pay responsibility of its cleaners.
Storyboard is a representation of use cases with narrated pictures in a chronological line. It represents the touchpoints and the connections with the user in the process of using the service. In the case of FindMyPrecious the storyboard shows the speciality of that service. Regular cleaning services are quite ordinary, but finding lost items is a niche segment, which makes the service special.
Value Constellation Experience
Value Constellation Experience (VCE) is useful to understand and show the interactions between the customer and all of the service organizations. Due to VCE we can enhance our service thinking about the broader context.
Service system architecture
The service system architecture is born to find out and develop more interfaces where the customer can contact the firm. At FindMyPrecious customers have various opportunities to contact them. They have a website where the customer can sign up and book a date, but she can do the same via telephone or by a personal visit at the company office.
Blueprint contains all of the key activities during the service and shows the connection and distinction also between the different roles both in front stage and backstage. In that blueprint I show the case of booking FindMyPrecious service on the internet website. The blueprint also shows the “real” service, when the cleaning is happening. The cleaning staff means the physical evidence, while the staff with the internet interface are over line of visibility.


The project was created for an examination assignment. The purpose of the exam was to prove the understanding of service elements and proper use Read More


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