Justin Bastock's profile

Cuyahoga Falls Community Gardens

An overview of the work created for a class project, in which we had to choose a charity/non-profit organization to make a full campaign design for. That includes posters, t-shirts, website, billboards, the works. I chose to design a campaign for my local community gardens. Utilizing cute animal creatures and soft solid colors with a hint of texture in my designs. The target audience was younger children under the age of 13. The reasoning for this being, that kids would find it more interesting being involved, and if you get them interested at a young age then it’s more likely to stay with them later. From personal experience I loved gardening as a kid and still do, it’s very zen feeling.
Poster Design to be used across the city for advertising.
Editorial Illustration for use in advertising.
Billboard mockup for use on one of the most visible billboards in the city.
Outdoor planter concept, created as an "extra" item. Idea would be used to illustrate to passers by how much space they would have available to them to plant in a single plot as well as a method to draw attention to the gardens in general.
Thanks for looking!
Cuyahoga Falls Community Gardens

Cuyahoga Falls Community Gardens

An overview of the work created for a class project, in which we had to choose a charity/non-profit organization to make a full campaign design f Read More
