The Final Major Project in the BA Hons Architecture degree called for the design of a new hybrid building in Poole, Dorset. The brief was open, allowing us to redefine the use of the old grain silo, now car park, site on the Quay, with an emphasis on the creation of a multi-use development, requiring areas in residential, public and business. My passions lying in food and gastronomy, I developed a proposal around food education and the revelation of the process of butchery.
Malnutrition is rising within convenience-led, fast-paced living. A fast food diet and sedentary living cause chronic obesity and related diseases. Families no longer sit down together to a home-cooked meal, made from real ingredients with good provenance. This is exacerbated by a lack of proper food education and cuisine in schools - this results in dissolution of the family support unit that people rely upon.
Architecturally, this project reintroduces good food education, providing catalysts for further expansion of this initiative. The primary symptom it aims to address is a widespread disconnection between us and our food. Understanding where food comes from and how it is humanely processed is key to re-engaging and empowering people to make more informed dietary decisions.
Our greatest disconnection with food is in the meat that we eat. When wrapped in cellophane, a steak for example, looks appetising; but would many of us still eat and enjoy the meat when faced with the task of killing, gutting, skinning and butchering the animal? The architecture for this project is driven by the desire to reconnect us with the flesh of what we eat, and it describes this through a series of tactile, material experiences, inviting the user into the meat itself and creating, analogously, the connection between structure and flesh, skin and bone, of both animal and architecture.
According to data compiled by the Health and Social Care Information Centre, gathered during 2011; and studies carried out by the International Obesity Taskforce in 2006. The following percentages show the proportion of people who are classed as obese; or with a body mass index of over 25. 
Site of the new hybrid building in Poole, UK



Architecturally, this project reintroduces good food education, providing catalysts for further expansion of this initiative. The primary symptom Read More
