In one of my most recent trips to California, I decided to forget about the amusement parks, shopping malls (tbh, the excitement of shopping at malls ended up in a heartbeat) and finally make some time to visit the LA Art District.
In our way to DTLA (down town LA)I was beyond excited! I was so excited that I even gave my friends a headache about going. Because in all honesty, trying to convince them was such a dilemma! However, my constantand annoying insistence made them end up saying yes.
The story behind why I was super excited was due to knowing the freedom I would have there. I would finally have the freedom to walk down the streets holding my camera, appreciating art and interacting with people that have the similar thinking.And the best part about this freedom was being sure that i was not gonna get robbed again!!! …sorry but this is just the truth (Hondurans don’t do well at respecting other people’s things sometimes).
You guys might think I’m such an imprisoned animal …but that’s totally the opposite! This experience was just what I expected!The freedom of walking on the streets, appreciate artonthe walls,photo shoots around every corner, all kinds of people walking and sharing the same taste in art, and not to mention those stores and coffee shops that are super underground were so worth it! I instantly fell in love with them all. No joke but they left me bankrupted!
It was for sure a good experience. So if you are a lover of these types of getaways, Art District is an essential stop on your next visit to LA!
Remember I told you I don't share that thing of wearing pieces just once? Check the other way I used that same color-blocking shirt on Amen Fashion post. 


One of my most recent trips to LA, so "artish!"
