Home-page, directly after login. Gives you direct graph-statistics for unique visitors and pageviews.

Direct access to the most common options, that you might want to edit. Name of the site, description, keywords and what page to use as the start/firstpage.

A list of all the page's that the user have created, both public and not yet public.

The pageorder can be adjusted with "up/down" arrows, and if you want to delete a page, this is done here.
To edit the pagecontent.

A page is edited with the ckeditor (free for personal use). Settings like the publishdate or what template you want to use one the page is done here.

There is also a version that has a "translate" option. That option uses the GoogleTranslate api, to create a translation of the page, that can be edited and saved into the database.


Compact and easy-to-use CMS solution for my own websites & friends websites. PHP/AJAX/MySQL


Creative Fields