Cupids: The Movie is an Indiegogo        
crowdfunding campaign which      
ran between October 15th and           
 December 14th 2014.                 
Cupids are very real and they are among us. They invisibly hover all around, creating opportunities for single people to meet and fall in love. But the sad truth is that Cupids are dying. When you avoid eye contact with someone, each time you frown sceptically or tell a social butterfly to make like a tree and leave – you slow a Cupid’s heartbeat.  
Talk to strangers! Smile back, or even smile first, and there’s a good chance you’ll be saving thousands of Cupids lives.
A concept ad mocking Lovestruck
Beyond the idea is a short film, the ultimate goal of this crowdfunding campaign. A tale of two Cupids, Arabella and Saraphel, struggling to get their assigned human beings to meet in a London café.
Director Angelo Calarco, from Camerafreelance UK, plans to start shooting in March 2015, once he has gathered all the necessary funds. 
After director Angelo Calarco and screenwriter Nick Grills hired us to cover the copy and graphics, we got fully involved in the crowdfunding campaign, posting weekly updates on Indiegogo and social media. 
The Adam and Eve pub hosted the Cupids Snail Dating event. The overall idea was to run a dating night where groups of single people could meet under no time pressure, chatting at snail pace. 
It did really well and got a very good review from Blogger Miss 29 ( 
What immediately attracted us to this project was the disruptive way it mocked humanitarian aid while promoting humanistic values. 
The movie harvested a hefty sum of £4,562, more than enough to get the movie done. The shooting is scheduled to start early spring, we'll keep you posted on the latest improvements. 
CUPIDS - Crowdfunding campaign

CUPIDS - Crowdfunding campaign

CUPIDS THE MOVIE is an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign aimed at making a short film.
