Ketul Sheth's profile

Eremier Service Intelligent Solutions

Project Title: Eremier Service Intelligent Solutions - Website UI/UX Design
Project Overview: This project involved the design of a corporate website for Eremier Service Intelligent Solutions, emphasizing superior service delivery in various business sectors. The design integrates a clean and modern aesthetic with a user-friendly interface to enhance user engagement and accessibility.

Design Objectives:

1) User Engagement: Create a visually appealing interface that captures and retains user interest.

2) Information Accessibility: Organize content in a clear and logical manner to facilitate easy navigation.

3) Brand Consistency: Reflect the company’s branding through consistent use of colors, fonts, and imagery.

Color Scheme and Typography:

1) Colors: A professional palette dominated by shades of purple, complemented by white and subtle grays to evoke sophistication and trust.

2) Typography: The use of modern sans-serif fonts provides readability and a contemporary feel, aligning with the brand’s forward-thinking ethos.

User Interface Components:

1) Navigation: Streamlined top navigation bar with clear categories for efficient user flow.
Hero Section: Engaging banner with a compelling call-to-action to prompt immediate user interaction.

2) Service Offerings: Grid layout displaying services with icons, making it easy to scan through available solutions.

3) About Us Section: Strategically placed images and succinct text highlight the company’s mission and values.

4) Leadership and Trust Indicators: Sections dedicated to showcasing the team and client testimonials build credibility and humanize the brand.


1) Hover effects on buttons and links for visual feedback.
2) Responsive design ensuring seamless user experience across all devices.
Eremier Service Intelligent Solutions


Eremier Service Intelligent Solutions
