At The Kambo Shop, all products are carefully sourced and prepared to ensure high quality and authenticity. The shop is dedicated to respecting the cultural heritage of Hapé and the tribes that have used it for generations. They provide detailed information about each blend, helping customers choose the right one for their personal journey. Whether you're new to Hapé or an experienced user, The Kambo Shop aims to provide a meaningful and beneficial experience.

The Kambo Shop Rapé is a traditional Amazonian snuff made from a blend of finely ground medicinal plants, herbs, and ashes. This natural product is used for its healing properties and is often part of shamanic rituals. The Kambo Shop offers a variety of Rapé blends, each crafted to support different aspects of wellness, such as mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual connection. Known for its grounding effects, Rapé is typically administered through the nose using a special pipe, providing a unique and deeply introspective experience.
The Combo Shop

The Combo Shop
