Muzixiii Studio's profile

TXOne SKO Event Video

In this video, the robot is showcased as the focal point, with facial lines emphasizing muscle contours and a neutral body shape. The overall design structure integrates transmission and pipeline elements, symbolizing the features of TXOne products and highlighting the main color tones. Lighting effects are used to set the overall atmosphere, while the stunning effects of breaking through the mirror represent venturing into new territories.

本次影片使用機器人作為表演重點,在臉部的線條設計強調面部肌肉,身形維持中性,整體造型的結構結合傳輸及管線,隱喻 TXOne 產品特性,並在其中帶出主色調,利用掃光的效果鋪陳整體氛圍,突破鏡面的震撼效果則象徵著跨越新領域。


Client|TXOne Networks
Production House | Muzixiii Studio 目子拾參創意
Director | 李芹羽 Amber Lee 、 曹書睿 Ray Tsao
3D Artist | 佟紹魁 Shaokuei Tong、江美嫻 Ann Chiang
Compositing | 江美嫻 Ann Chiang

TXOne SKO Event Video

TXOne SKO Event Video
