PEBBLE: Make Big Little Changes

Herefor x PEBBLE 
Make Big Little Changes
Pebble by Kumori is a personal care brand focused on sustainability with a line of solid shampoo and conditioner bars. Their packaging is completely plastic-free and their product’s use no water which is great news because liquid shampoos are ~80-90% water and one shampoo/conditioner bar can replace up to three plastic bottles from ending up in the landfill.

We were delighted to help them create a brand identity and packaging design system that leverages a color palette derived from nature, a fresh wordmark and typographic system, and a brand symbol that depicts a fictitious sea creature that’s half coral, half fish, echoing the harmony found in nature.

Brand Identity, Packaging, Copywriting

PEBBLE: Make Big Little Changes

PEBBLE: Make Big Little Changes

Pebble by Kumori is a personal care brand focused on sustainability with a line of solid shampoo and conditioner bars. Their packaging is complet Read More
